Additional Fees
Payment of Fees
School fees are charged annually, but for your convenience are payable by 12 equal payments, due monthly in advance. Payments are made by direct debit, and the Bursar issues the forms to parents in June so that the direct debit can be set up before the August payment is due. Alternative methods of payment may be acceptable in exceptional circumstances by special arrangement. Other charges such as for school trips may also be paid monthly, under the same scheme.
Please note the academic year finishes on 31st August and as such the final payment is due in July.
Additional Gifts
We do not receive funding from the government or any other external body, but keep the school fees as low as possible to provide Christ-centred education to as many families as possible.
We encourage families with higher incomes (who can often afford to contribute more) to consider making additional monthly donations to meet the financial needs of the school. Every family's situation is different, but a number of families make donations each month, some as much as £500 per child per month.
Leaving and Final Payments
If, for any reason, a child leaves school before the end of Year 11, a full term's notice (4 months) must be given, otherwise a full term’s fees are due in lieu of notice. The final payment at the end of Year 11 is in respect of the August of that year.
Fees Arrears
If payments of fees fall into arreaers for two or more months, the governors will be informed and further steps taken to recover the debt.
Review of Fees
The school governing body reviews the scale of fees in May of each year. Parents will be notified in the Summer term in time of any increase for the following year.
Admission Fee
A one-time fee of £30.00 per family is payable on entry to the school, to cover administration costs.
There are additional fees that need to be paid in special circumstances, and these are shown below.
Examination Fees
Examination fees for Years 10 and 11, are included in Upper School fees, with the exception of Trinity Performance Arts exams.
This is a monthly fee of £11.00 per pupil, paid with school fees. For those who need to purchase swimwear, a small supply are available from the office. Prices are between £6-£10 according to the size required. Caps are £1.50. Please note that the correct swimwear is navy blue.
School Trips
When pupils are taken out on educational visits. A charge is usually required to cover transport and admission fees.
Art/Technology fees
Fees of £3.00 per per annum (for Years 7 and 8) are payable in September.