What is SMSC?
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, including citizenship and personal development, is a strong feature of CFS. It is taught throughout the curriculum and is informed by the ethos, vision, values and mission of our school. We put an emphasis on the development of character as Christians in becoming good global citizens, serving our community, the city and beyond, with the aim to develop young people to be active citizens of a modern Britain.
What does SMSC look like at our school?
Spiritual development: “We are a worshipping community with a love of learning”
Pupils, staff and parents develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence, use imagination and creativity and reflect through:
- Opportunities to reflect and pray together
- Discussion of current affairs
- Worship days, assemblies and opportunities to celebrate together and recognise achievements
- Residentials and award schemes such as Duke of Edinburgh.
Moral Development : “We make good choices”
Pupils, staff and parents recognise right and wrong, understand consequences, investigate moral and ethical issues, offer reasoned views and respect the civil and criminal law of England through:
- The school code of conduct based on the Christian value of loving one-another including the importance of a culture of anti-bullying
- Exploring Fundamental British Values through historical events and outcomes, current parliamentary and legal systems
- Working with local Police Community and Support Officers including engagement through assemblies
- Justice and moral business principles from a Christian perspective
- Pupil engagement in decisions through the School Council.
Social Development: “We are equipped to serve others”
Pupils, staff and parents use social skills, work well with others, resolve conflicts and understand how they can contribute positively through:
- Mentoring programmes, volunteering and a collaborative approach to conflict resolution
- Working with and considering the needs of local social action such as Food Banks
- Lunchtime clubs, communication, debating and prefect duties
- Wider school community activities and engagement through our Parent and Friends Collaborative (PFC)
- School exchanges and trips including Imagine That! discovery centre, outreach to Romania and Netherlands Exchange.
Cultural Development: “We celebrate cultural diversity and love our neighbours”
Pupils, staff and parents actively show understanding and love for those from other cultural traditions through:
- World Book Days
- School residentials and trips including concerts, galleries and plays
- Links with other faith communities and visits providing authentic and real representation of many cultures including pen pals
- School productions with opportunity for creative expression
- National elections and referendums
- Exploration of Christian cultural heritage and other world religions
- Opportunities to work on the School allotment.