Our Governors
The Board of Governors of Christian Fellowship School makes decisions that are in the best interests of the children. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and aims to promote high standards of educational achievement. Governors bring their own gifting, knowledge and skills to the role, contributing to the growth and development of the school and seeing tangible improvements in the attainment and wellbeing of the children. Contact chair.governors@cfschool.org.uk
The Board of Governors is the school’s accountable body and as such it:
- provides a strategic direction of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school within an agreed policy framework
- appoints and appraises the Headteacher, Associate Head and Principal, and agrees the school’s improvement plan
- monitors and evaluates the work of the school by reviewing the performance of the Head Teacher, the effectiveness of the policy framework, progress towards targets, and the effectiveness of the school improvement strategy
- signs off the self-evaluation process and responds to inspection reports as necessary
- provides operational leadership support.
In addition, it holds the Head Teacher, Associate Head and Principal to account for the performance of the school and ensures that parents are fully involved, consulted and informed as appropriate through the Parent Collaborative. In order to achieve this, Governors gain knowledge of how the school operates through training, by attending meetings, visiting the school during the school day, and by building relationships through the Parent Collaborative.
Governors work together as a team under the leadership of the Chair of the Governing Body, each having a unique role.
A Charitable Trust "Christian Fellowship School Trust" is ultimately responsible for the school as the Proprietor. There is also an associated company limited by guarantee.
Each of the Trustees are also Directors of the Limited Company.
The Head Teacher, Associate Head and Principal attend Governors meetings in a reporting and advisory role, but are not Governors.
Our Governors team
Mr. Will Sopwith
Chair - appointed by Trustees June 2020
Mr. Mark Lewis
Infrastructure - appointed by Directors June 2020
Mrs. Jenny Oliver
Parent Collaborative & Safeguarding - appointed by Directors July 2014
Mrs. Claire Waigi
Staff Welfare - appointed by Directors April 2021
Mr. Geoff Millington
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning - appointed by Directors September 2021
Mr Garrie-John Barnes
Head Teacher - appointed by Directors July 2024
Mrs Sadaf Beynon
Fundraising - appointed by Directors May 2024
Mr Mark Williams
Marketing & Strategy - appointed by Directors May 2024
Mrs Libby Chamberlain
SEND - appointed by Directors November 2023