British Values
What are British Values?
At CFS we emphasise developing Christian character and values. These include respect, compassion, love for one another, equality and taking personal responsibility.
British values are embedded in the work of the school and they are defined as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of people with different faiths and beliefs. We believe that through promoting our values and characteristics we are able to effectively promote British Values in the following ways:
Democracy is promoted throughout the curriculum especially in subjects such as English and Humanities. An elected school council work with pupils across the school to make decisions together, learning to formulate balanced arguments through activities such as debates, PSME, assemblies and the broader curriculum. We aim to develop enquiring minds in an environment where questions are valued.
Rule of Law
Rule of Law is understanding that rules matter and is promoted through opportunities for pupils to understand the difference between right and wrong and restoring relationships. This is achieved through assemblies and PSME as we collaborate with pupils in considering school rules and behaviour code. The curriculum makes room to explore the UK justice system, the role of restorative justice and the origins of the British parliamentary system and engagement with MPs, the Police and Parliament through various trips and visits. Through our behaviour policy, code of conduct and Anti-bullying week, we promote high expectations of conduct throughout the school community.
Individual Liberty
Individual Liberty is freedom for all and is promoted through encouraging pupils to express their views honestly and openly. They can choose to participate in various lunchtime clubs and extracurricular activities such as school plays, athletics, and Flexi Ed subjects giving them the opportunity to make choices and understand the impact and consequences of these choices and contributions.
Mutual respect and tolerance
Mutual respect and tolerance involves learning to love our neighbours as ourselves. This is promoted through appreciating different cultures and beliefs, work on anti-bullying themes, and respectful and supportive relationships with peers and wider school community. An appreciation of combatting discrimination is considered through PSME, form time and wider school activities and programmes. Pupils take part through delivering house assemblies to explore Christian values of respect and the contribution of each individual. Curriculum subjects explore concepts such as racial harmony, equal opportunities, justice, migration, asylum and refugees through projects, assemblies, visiting speakers and local and international trips. We encourage our pupils to consider the broader context in terms of other beliefs and cultures - caring for others through action and words.
We are an outwardly Christian school with a diverse community that shares a common perspective of supporting and upholding freedoms.