Attendance and holiday requests
We will shortly be sending your child’s attendance information for last term in a new format that gives more detail about your child’s attendance and lateness and will allow you to track patterns. Where there is persistent lateness or absence, we will work with you to see if we can help resolve any underlying difficulties.
As a school, we are increasingly clear that term time holidays should only be requested in rare and exceptional circumstances’. It is not always easy to have a consistent view about what counts as an exceptional circumstance but as a guide, celebrating a significant birthday with the wider family is not considered an exceptional circumstance, but seeing grandparents who normally live abroad and are only available on specific dates might be. To help with holiday costs, families might like to consider the very first week of the summer holidays when prices are lower because most other schools are still in session. If you do make a request for holiday absence, please put your request in before you book flights etc, and at least two weeks before the event. Sometimes an authorised absence will not be granted. In Year 11 any request for extended time off will not generally be considered. Occasionally if an absence does not fall under the exceptional category, a family may consider to have an unauthorised absence, but please always consult school by talking to Mrs K Sharples about this first -