Covid update and PFC
PFC Tuesday 15th March 7.30pm
This is our first in-person meeting for a couple of years and is for all parents. Please make every effort to come, hear about developments in school, pray and have fellowship. There will be some display stands for you to visit, including one about how our Christ-centred approach is worked out in the online safety curriculum and another that will give you an insight into our intentions for a Christ-centred D&T curriculum. There will also be a chance to hear more about our revised Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum and view some learning materials that we are using.
Covid absences
This is a change to our procedures before half-term.
If your child is unwell with any cold like symptoms and especially a temperature, please do a lateral flow test (LFT). If positive please also arrange a PCR. Day one is considered to be the day after a positive LFT and pupils should stay home for five days. If the child then tests negative on day five and again on day six, they can come into school on day six. The key is that there should be two negative LFTs in two days. The maximum days for isolation is 10 days. Siblings can continue to come to school so long as they do an LFT every day. This is a change to the previous procedure. We can provide LFT packs to families in these circumstances.