Home Schooling: Bulletin 1
We plan to send out regular bulletins about the school community by email, and point parents and pupils to learning opportunities and links to interesting websites. Please regularly check the school website in the news section where we will also post the bulletins. I would also like to encourage parents to stay in touch through their social networks. It would be wonderful to find ways of uplifting each other, parents, staff and children alike.
The most significant news in this bulletin is that we have closed the school building as of today. As a result, the school phones will not be answered, and if you need to contact school for any reason, please send us an email to info@cfschool.org.uk
We had hoped to remain open with a reduced staff on site for key workers’ children. However, although a number of families had registered their interest, in the event the support needed was only for some days and only one or two children might have been in school at any one time. We’ve been in touch with each key worker family and have discovered that in each case the need was only occasional and often one parent would be at home in any case. We have also had more staff needing to go into self-isolation. This has meant that the school building cannot function as it should at the moment. We are considering the possibility of opening again with a skeleton staff for key workers’ children from the 20 th of April; but this will depend very much on the situation nationally, as well as any increased need for key workers’ children to be looked after.
In terms of Home Learning, I have heard that many parents and pupils have started their work enthusiastically and that many teachers are very busy with online lessons. We fully intend to continue supporting families with their children’s learning.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your continued support. These are undoubtedly unprecedented times for the world, and I hope that you agree with me that as Christians we have a specific role to play in bringing the truth of the gospel alive to our families, for our neighbours and in prayer for the nations. At school over the last couple of days we have felt a real sense of the Lord’s presence in prayer and intercession for many things, and I trust and pray that we all remain in His peace amongst the national turmoil.