Home Schooling: Bulletin 2
We have been talking over the last two days to various families and staff to get a feel of how the distance learning is going.
For some families having the activity packs and online lessons is proving helpful in enabling you to structure your family’s day. We are hearing from others that you are operating in very challenging circumstances and the amount of work set is a bit too much and is adding to your stress. Some teachers are also getting overwhelmed.
So our message to you all is this:
- It is early days and none of us are going to get it right first time - we operate under grace and not law.
- We may ask staff to ease off the quantity of work set for all or some children by making some activities optional and by relaxing deadlines.
- Please prioritise the mental and physical health of you and your children. Only do what you can, please do not allow stress and anxiety to build up.
We will meet (online) as a staff tomorrow and adapt the CFS distance learning provision so that we can really make the most of this opportunity to do things differently and make time for families to spend time together doing things they had always wanted to do but never could.
Once again, thank you so much for your prayers, communications with us and each other, and for the many other indications of your support for the school community.