Local Covid Considerations
Some of you will be aware that a request was published in the Liverpool Echo on Friday, 18th June, from Steve Reddy, Director of Children’s Services for Liverpool City Council and Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health Liverpool, for schools to increase their measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In their letter to parents and carers, they have requested the re-introduction of facemasks for adults and secondary pupils in communal areas and classrooms where two metre distancing cannot be maintained. They also say that activities such as transition, assemblies, proms and performances may need to be modified.
In reaching a decision about our response, we have considered the significant increase in cases of the Delta variant locally and the age groups that are most impacted. We have also considered the local authorities’ request in the light of the DfE’s guidance, updated on 18th June, that when considering measures, schools should continue to balance educational drawbacks with benefits in managing transmission. Having taken a range of factors into account, including the high level of double-vaccination among staff, we will advise pupils and staff of this updated recommendation to wear face coverings where it is not possible to maintain a two metre distance from each other but in line with the law, we will not be insisting that all pupils or staff do so, especially those who are exempt on physical or mental health grounds. Where parents or staff consider that there is a significant counter-balancing educational or mental health drawback, we will allow a measure of discretion.
For the forthcoming events to be held in the hall, including the Y8 Celebration event on 21st June, we are putting in place a significant range of mitigating measures, including a ceiling on the number of people attending events that is well below that required by government guidance, close stewarding of the movement of people in the hall and during toilet breaks, seating arrangements that ensure social distancing, good ventilation and enhanced cleaning procedures in the hall and toilet areas. We are also asking those attending these events as part of the audience or as stewards to wear a face covering unless they have an exemption.
We believe that these measures will considerably reduce the risk of virus transmission and social contact that could result in isolation orders, whilst still enabling the young people to benefit from activities and events that will boost their overall mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. We are aware that there are a range of views within the community about how the needs and interests of different groups and individuals should be balanced but we trust that we can maintain mutual respect and consideration for one another at this challenging time. We will also be monitoring the situation closely and may need to adapt our response as circumstances change.
If you wish to discuss this further, please email the office at info@cfschool.org.uk, marking it for my attention.