Summer Term Arrangements ...
As we return to school on Tuesday, please be aware that the building work in Lower School is continuing all term and there is a change to arrangements for drop off/arrival and pick up/departure for all pupils for the whole of the term. We would greatly appreciate your help and support to enable the day to go as smoothly as possible, and we do recognise that socialising may be more difficult as a consequence.
There will be no access to the playground for parents in the morning or the afternoon.
Morning Arrangements
Lower School (classes R-3) will go across the front grass into the right side of the Reception playground and directly into their classes. Doors will open at 8.35am.
Middle and Upper School will come through the main front doors from 8.30am and will then go straight through onto the playground through the foyer. They will then line up on the playground and Middle School will go in with their teachers, and Upper School to their form rooms as before at 8.45am.
We are asking all parents and especially parents of younger children to ensure that children and young people do not arrive before 8.30am as the front grass is not suitable for play. Ideally pupils should arrive nearer to 8.40am as far as possible.
Lower School will be going straight to their classes as it is not safe for them to be on the playground without any additional parental supervision which we rely on for safety and support.
Collection Arrangements in the afternoon
Lower School will exit through the Reception playground opening at 3.25pm. They will come out in their classes with their teachers and be handed over to parents as before.
It is extremely important for parents to take full responsibility for their children from that point as the space is limited and not suitable for playing.
Years 4 - 6 will exit through the main front doors with their teachers at 3.30pm and be handed over to parents. Again please make sure that you take full responsibility for your children who will not be able to play.
Years 7 & 8 will exit through the main front doors at 3.35pm. The slightly later time is to help avoid congestion upon exit and also on the front grass.
If you are not waiting for older children, it would be very helpful if you could leave soon after pick up to avoid congestion on the front grass.
Upper School pupils will leave via the main front door at 3.45pm and will be encouraged to leave the premises as quickly as they can.
We do apologise for the inconvenience to parents for the need for a later drop off for some in the mornings and a change to pick up times for some in the afternoon. Please do impress on your children the need for being more careful and vigilant at drop off and collection times. There will be two members of staff on security in the mornings and afternoons to help with the smoother running of arrivals and departures. Please be reminded that parents should not be parking or leaving their car even for a few minutes on Overbury Street as the road has parking restrictions for residents only.