Summer Term, more ...
Welcome to the new term. Following our email at the weekend about changes to dropping off and collection times, we are writing with more information about other aspects and events at school this term.
The summer uniform (which is optional), can now be worn in Lower and Middle School (up to year 6). There are still a few dresses available at school for ages up to age 7 - 8 which you can purchase at £5 each from the school office. Please remember that summer dresses should be worn with white knee length socks. Boys may wear knee-length school shorts up to year 8 if they would like to, with short grey socks.
For years 7 - 11, pupils should no longer wear their PE hoodie over their school jumpers / cardigans as we are in the summer term. Coats are not to be worn inside school unless it is particularly cold and the heating has broken down.
New uniform proposals
At the end of last term, a number of parents had the opportunity to look at uniform additions and changes proposed by the school council for Middle and Upper School next year. The consultation process is open for another couple of weeks and you are welcome to call into school between 3.20pm and 3.30pm next week to have a look and complete a survey. For your information, we are only considering these for years 9, 10 and 11 and the cost is a modest £35.
Food and drinks in school
As the school year continues, we want to remind you about the importance of providing healthy and appropriate foods for your child's packed lunch. It is important to remember that the food your child eats throughout the day plays a crucial role in their overall health and wellbeing. A balanced diet helps to fuel their bodies and minds, allowing them to focus and perform well in class. We would ask that you limit the amount of sugary snacks and a reminder that sweets and chocolate are not allowed in school as part of pupils' packed lunches. A chocolate biscuit, for example a Penguin or a Kitkat, is ok as part of a balanced packed lunch. We would also ask that sweets, lollipops and chocolate not be brought in for birthdays as we do not want children eating sweets and lollipops on the playground or on their way home due to safety reasons.
Fizzy drinks are not allowed in school. Please provide your child with a drink of water in a clearly labelled bottle for drinking during the day.
Parents may find this site helpful: Healthier Lunchboxes and may want to consider involving their older children, including Middle School, in preparing their own lunches under guidance and supervision.
Term dates for next year and a change to the school day
The term dates for next year have now been agreed and are available on the website and a PDF HERE.
We have a total of 12 staff INSET days next year for training, down from 13 this year. Our October INSET days will be midweek with a Wednesday one week and a Thursday the following week. This format will enable us to plan specific training for our many part time staff. Furthermore year 11 should be available for extra sessions at school during February INSET which we will confirm nearer to the time. Generally speaking, our vision for INSET days is that families plan opportunities for educational outings, perhaps with others in the school community, and for older children there may well be specific work set for completion at INSET. We do appreciate that the cost of travel is more expensive in the state school holidays, but we do ask that parents do not plan to extend their family time off during term time. However, we do usually finish a week earlier than other schools in July and this should help a little towards holiday costs.
Invigilators required
Many thanks to those who have volunteered for invigilation of GCSE exams which start in late May. However, we are still in need of help! If you are able to offer at least two sessions and have an Enhanced DBS either with school or another organisation, we would be grateful if you would consider invigilating. We are trying to avoid staff being asked to do sessions if at all possible. Please email Rachel Johnson if you can help.
As we write, we are expecting an Inspection from the Independent Schools Inspectorate some time soon. We understand that the inspectors will phone on a Monday and be physically in school on a Wednesday and Thursday. We just want to remind you that once we have received the phone call that they are coming that week, we will be sending out a parent questionnaire which should be completed by 8pm on the Tuesday, which will itself demonstrate the nature of our school.
Coronation celebration
We would like to mark the Coronation of King Charles as a whole school community with a ‘bring your own afternoon tea’ on Friday 5th May from 2.30-3.30pm at school. More details to follow.
Brown envelopes
We will be sending a number of letters home in the Brown Envelopes in the next week or so. Please look out for these, and do make sure that you take time to read the letters about the various matters. One or two of the letters will require you to complete the reply slip. Please return these in the Brown Envelope and remember to sign the envelope itself.