Easter and Summer Term ...
All parents are warmly invited to a short Easter assembly on Friday 31st March which is the last day of term. The assembly will start close to 9.00am and we hope to be finished by 9.30am. As well as an Easter message we will be announcing the House Point winners in Middle and Upper School. Lower School will also be having lots of fun activities during the day including an Easter egg hunt, and years 4 to 8 will also have an opportunity for some Easter fun. School will finish as normal.
We also have an opportunity for parents to join us on Wednesday 29th March for assembly at 8.50am. Year 9 have been working on the topic of the International Persecuted Church over the past few weeks in ETS and have performed a short performance piece. Please be seated by 8.50am and we will start promptly, hoping to finish by 9.20am.
Easter Gifts
The online Fairtrade Shop run by Y9 Business students is still running, selling Fairtrade Easter eggs, cards and gift bags. You can see what stock is available right up to Friday, and the purchases will be sent home on Friday afternoon. Visit shop.cfschool.org.uk
Building Works
You will have noticed that we have some new fencing which is being put up this week. This is in preparation for the building works which will start in the holidays and will continue until we return in September. Lower School parents already know that Year 1 will be temporarily moving to the staffroom for the Summer Term, and the staffroom has already moved to ‘The Garden Room’ on the playground. We will be in touch during the holidays about the new arrangements for dropping off and collection next term.
We are currently working with the school council on some proposals for enhancing aspects of our school uniform. We plan to send parents a short survey in the holidays, so please look out for that. Also we have acquired a few summer dresses for our primary age group, which are available on Friday after assembly for £5 only.
In a separate email, we will be sending out our safeguarding update information and also the 2023-24 dates list.
May the Lord continue to keep us all in his loving protection as we look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus together.