PFC Meeting
It was wonderful to gather together at the PFC on 15th March, to hear from Heads of School on the continuing application of God’s Big Story in the curriculum, and to worship and pray together. It was also very encouraging to hear about the playground improvements that will take place over Easter, and the Reception class improvements planned to take place before the start of the next academic year. We also appreciated seeing displays on online safety, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE), some some very creative textiles and design and technology displays from Middle School, and the colourful birthday assembly art also provided a great backdrop for us to enjoy. We wanted to say a big thank you to parents who made a real effort to be there and especially those who arranged a babysitter so they could both come. Of course we do appreciate that Covid and illness are real factors affecting attendance at PFC meetings at this time.
The key information provided, for those that were not able to join us, is as follows:
Diversity Group - Abraham Waigi introduced himself as one of our governors with responsibility for communications and together with Claire his wife, for staff welfare. He explained how he has been working with us to look at how diversity works in relation to representation in our school curriculum and especially how aspects of this concept impact our pupils, and to listen to their thoughts and feelings on racism. Abraham explained how he has found this very rewarding himself and worthwhile for the development of the school.
Fees update for September 2022 - school fees will be updated on the school website during the week commencing 21st March. Fees will increase by 6.6% next year in line with inflation and increases in the National Living Wage.
Giving to the school - we are enormously grateful to God and to givers for the donations we receive, much of which allows us to make improvements to the building and equipment. The tools available to give to the work of CFS were flagged again at PFC - please do have a look. We love getting money from online retailers for no extra cost to our community! Please do also continue to share the Birthday JustGiving campaign with contacts - you never know who might be happy to support your children’s thriving! We also asked at the PFC that those who may be in a position to give a bit more each month over and above fees to please consider this way of regularly giving. Additional monthly payments can be GiftAided to increase their value to the school by 25%, and for some people can reduce tax liability.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) Forum - We heard on the evening that this area of curriculum has now become a foundational subject right across the school as required by the Department for Education statutory guidance and we would like to invite all parents from Reception to year 11 to come to a forum to see exactly what lessons look like across our curriculum. The dates for these forums are:
- Monday 23rd May 2.00 - 3.30pm; or
- Tuesday 24th May 7.30 - 9.00pm.
We would encourage as many parents as possible to come to either of these sessions.We trust that by working together in this area, our children will continue to be well supported as they mature from childhood into young adulthood and beyond in an ever-changing world.
Donations for Ukraine - Thank you for your donations which came to £120.00. We will keep you informed of other ways that that we would like to support the victims of this crisis over the next weeks and months.