Pilgrim's Progress Review
A highlight of the year so far has been the presentation of our first ever musical production by members of Upper School. It has also been our first ever performance of a dramatic work written by a former pupil; Stephen Sammons wrote the lyrics and composed and recorded the music for a stirring and powerful adaptation of John Bunyan's famous allegorical narrative, 'Pilgrim's Progress'. The opening night on Wednesday 22nd February was the premier performance of this new work.
John Bunyan, a Puritan, was imprisoned in Bedford in 1661 for preaching the Gospel in a 'non-conformist' church. During his period in jail, which totalled over twelve years, Bunyan wrote ‘The Pilgrim's Progress’, an allegory of the journey of coming to faith in Christ, and the challenges, obstacles and battles that are faced by every disciple of Christ. Stephen Sammons' work depicts the personal cost to Bunyan in remaining true to his belief and calling, as well as presenting key moments from the story of 'Pilgrim's Progress' itself. The CFS production, which ran over three evening performances, had a powerful impact on the pupils who took part, as well as touching, stirring and challenging the hearts of the audience. We give thanks for God's grace upon us in all that was accomplished.