Plans, Events and Next Year
We are writing with an update about school arrangements and information about school activities during partial reopening
As you are aware we now have three ‘bubbles’ of children in school, each comprising a mix of key worker children, those on the ALPS register, and a number of pupils from Years R, 1 and 6, which were the year groups that the government guidance wanted us to offer places to from June. The last of these groups started on the 29th of June. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff body for the dedication and hard work they have put into all the necessary protocols and practical considerations which we have needed to put into place at this time. I am also extremely thankful for the ongoing home based teaching programme which the rest of the pupils have been provided with. We have also facilitated a bespoke Spread Your Wings programme for Upper School and some lessons on the field for Year 10, which have gone very well despite the changeable weather over the last two weeks.
In addition to the above, we have also been preparing for the Year 8 Celebration Evening, as the class prepares to move into Upper School in September which will be marked by an online Celebration Evening for pupils and their parents on the 13th of July.
We have also arranged an online transition session for the incoming Year 4 families, via Zoom on Friday 10th July, and a virtual sports day for as many pupils as would like to take part. Reports will also be shared with parents via email or Google Classroom.
Our last day of term will be Friday 17th July. Please note that all children who are at school in the three bubbles must be collected early at 12pm to give staff time to clear up and return the rooms to their normal function. To mark the end of term, I would like to invite the whole school community to a virtual assembly next Thursday afternoon at 4pm. Zoom details will be sent out separately. We are looking forward to sharing some of the achievements of the term and we will have an opportunity for fellowship and prayer together.
The arrangements for starting school in September are becoming clearer after the government issued new guidance last Thursday. We anticipate coming back fully, with minimal changes to the start and end of the day, on the 7th of September (Reception on the 9th). Year 4 will be invited in for a Welcome Afternoon on Friday 4th September, to support their transition to Middle School. There will be some changes to the normal curriculum at least for the first term, and the main noticeable routine which will be different for children is that they are likely, in most cases, to stay in their form rooms for most lessons and for lunch. We will write again with more information once we have firmed up our plans and risk assessments, but I would like to reassure parents that we are prayerfully and diligently doing all we can to both mitigate health risk and provide a welcoming environment for the learning community. As we prepare for next year, please be aware that pupils are expected to be in full uniform as normal. Uniform lists are available on the website. Updated equipment lists will also be added to the website by the end of term.
Please do pray for the staff over the summer as many have worked exceptionally hard during this season. I am very grateful to the Lord for his hand upon us, and for your support as parents. One of the foundations of our school is to recognise the biblical role of parents as primary educators for their children. Certainly in this season this has been possible like never before. I trust that parents have appreciated some of the curriculum insights that this time has afforded, and I would like to thank you for taking the lion's share of overseeing your children’s education.
Please continue to check the website and email for updates about next year.